
Painting that explores themes of fascism

July 30, 20242 Mins Read

In an era of rising fascism and religious extremism, Ponniam Chandran’s painting ‘Against Fascism’ offers a response. The work reflects on the growing appeal of anti-democratic views among the younger generation.

The painting depicts the shattered dreams of Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, and Michilotte Madhavan, who sacrificed their lives for a free and prosperous nation. The artwork measures 40 feet by 6 feet.

Mr. Chandran said that during the Nazi concentration camp era from 1933 to 1945, among those killed was Michilotte Madhavan, a Malayali. Madhavan, a 28-year-old student from Mahe studying in France during the Nazi invasion, was an active member of the French Communist Party (PCF) and involved in the resistance against German occupation.

The artwork also explores the attempts to undermine Gandhi’s secular values. It echoes Gandhi’s last words, “Hey Ram,” and symbolises the shattering of his ideals with broken spectacles. In the final segment, the painting uses the swastika, historically a symbol of good fortune, to illustrate the emergence of new tridents. Composed in a semi-abstract style, the painting was completed over 79 days, conveying a powerful message against the horrors of fascism and extremism.

The painting, which was inaugurated by magician and motivational speaker Gopinath Muthukad at the Kathirur Panchayat art gallery, will be on display till August 10.

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