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Breaking News :
Visual Art

Figure Drawing | Jan 18 – Mar 29, 2025 | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM | Pre College | School of Visual Arts

October 10, 20242 Mins Read

Drawing the figure is arguably the most fundamental aspect of art-making. The anatomy and psychology thereof have given us a deeper understanding of what it is to be human. This is a drawing course aimed at capturing the essence of the human figure and its energy through the use of models. Model poses will re-create the complexity of the human form. Students will do both quick drawings and extended studies. Through direct observation, they will concentrate on the figure in space. Students will learn composition in relating the figure to the drawing page and/or to its surroundings. Classical traditions as well as contemporary examples of figure drawing will be explored through slide lectures at the beginning of each class. Projects will be assigned to study the formal elements of art, such as line, space, scale and texture. Students will explore sources of creativity in drawing in an effort to produce portfolio-quality work. Experimental work is also encouraged. They will learn vocabulary specific to visual art. No previous experience required. The teacher will encourage students and gear instruction toward their individual level of experience. Students will participate in critique sessions.

Supplies: (If you have questions about supplies, please wait till the first class session to ask.) 18″X24″ drawing pad, ebony pencil, watercolors, pastels, sketch book, kneaded eraser, pencil sharpener. Additional supplies will be discussed in class.

Note: Pre-College courses may include the use of nude models.

Portfolio Presentations for Entrance to an Art College: The care with which an applicant presents and discusses his/her work can play an important part in the admissions and scholarship decisions at art colleges. Students are encouraged to attend our fall Open House events where the Director of Admissions will give a portfolio presentation and show examples of art work submitted by previous SVA students as well as examples of scholarship level art work. Pre-College students are encouraged to visit with an admissions counselor anytime throughout the year and show their art portfolio. Please call 212-592-2100 to make an appointment. Admissions counselors will discuss ideas on how students can push some of their ideas and art processes to help build stronger and more expressive art work.

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