Visual Art

Student Art Shines at M16 in Step Into Limelight

July 24, 20242 Mins Read

The Step into the Limelight Art Exhibition has officially opened at M16 Artspace, showcasing a wide range work from students from pre-school to year 12 in painting, drawing, ceramics, lino-print, collage, photography, textiles, and wood and metal craft.

“The ACT Government’s Future of Education Strategy places students at the centre of their learning and supports our children and young people to engage in learning in a way that is meaningful to them,” Minister for Education and Youth Affairs Yvette Berry said.

“The Step into the Limelight art exhibition is a wonderful example of this, showcasing the courage of our students to explore the visual arts in so many creative forms. This year’s theme, ‘Our Time’, has been interpreted in many innovative ways.

“This event celebrates the diverse interests within our student cohort and gives them all an opportunity to showcase what’s important to them through visual expression and community engagement.”

Step into the Limelight is the major annual arts showcase event for ACT public schools and the largest youth Arts event in the ACT. Unique in its format, the event covers the five art forms of dance, drama, media, music and visual art.

More than 2000 students from across ACT public schools participate in these events, spending the months prior working closely with their teachers, professional artists, tertiary institutions and arts organisations to develop outstanding artistic works for the events.

Step into the Limelight comprises two events: an Art Exhibition and a Gala Showcase. The art exhibition is open until 4 August, with the Gala Showcase to take place in early September.

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